Sunday, January 3, 2016

Do you want to build a snowman?

I made a snowman wreath today.  All in all, I'm not sure how well the accessories will hold up, but I didn't want to go crazy.  First I tried craft glue, which failed me completely, so I switched to the trusty old hot glue gun.  That seems to have worked, but we'll see what happens when faced with wind, rain, and possibly actual snow.  Should be easy enough to fix if necessary though.
Aside from making snowmen, we've spent a busy weekend watching Star Wars.  Ryan has never seen any of them! Can you believe that!? Not to worry, he is now almost all caught up, he's seen six of the seven.  Our final viewing, Episode 3, had to be put off because, you know, football.  But by this time next week, he should be well versed in the Star Wars universe.  Which is cool, I guess.  To be honest, I don't love Star Wars enough to care if we ever watch them again or not.  And with the new one, I feel like the plot is going to be strikingly similar to the original 3.  Hey, I could be wrong, but from what I know, what I saw, and what I've heard, it seems to be heading down that road.
There's only two weeks left until Louisiana, by the way, if you're keeping track.  My cousin's husband had a good idea today at a family brunch when he said I should wear a GoPro instead of taking a selfie every mile. Sadly, I, nor anyone I know, has a GoPro.  So that was a short lived idea, but a good one nonetheless. I had a moment of insanity and thought about buying one, but then I looked them up on Amazon and saw how expensive they are, so that's out too.  I suppose my only hope now is that someone really wants a runner's view of the Louisiana Marathon and donates one to the cause.  I think it actually might be kind of cool to go back and watch the run.  There's probably a lot that I miss when running.
I have a cold right now, so I haven't done any more running since the five on the treadmill the other day. Figured it's better to back it up now instead of pushing and keeping this cold up to the marathon.  Since Louisiana is so close and the holidays are now over, I have actually been thinking about my fundraising a bit.  If I can get things together, I might have something going that could work out well.  I'll probably start looking for raffle volunteers too, so if you have a service or an item you'd like to raffle off, feel free to contact me.  (Sorry, no personal services, if you know what I mean.) Other than that, school starts again tomorrow, so it's back to the real world I suppose.  Winter vacation was fun, but I suppose work isn't so bad either.
And now, the snowman wreath.

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