Thursday, January 29, 2015

Too many snow days

Being snowed in and not having to work really is not as fun as it sounds.  I promise.  To start, now we're behind 3 more days in school.  Add that to the other reasons why we might not be on track with the curriculum mapping and suddenly we're a month behind where we're supposed to be.  In some jobs, this might not be a huge deal.  Maybe you can make it up, work a little extra, push some papers through, I don't know, I'm not a doctor.  What I do know is that my 3 - 5 grade students still have to take the district benchmark test in February.  And everyone has to take the MCAS in March and May.  So, even though we may be behind, our tests are not.  Now we're in that tricky spot where we have to decide, do we push through the topics to make sure we at least cover everything on the test, but leave more than half the class behind in terms of actually understanding, or do we keep our pace and miss covering material that shows up? Don't worry though, we'll get to make up these missed days in June.  At the end of the year.  After all the tests.  Please, tell me how much sense that makes, because I'm still not seeing it.  I'd rather give up February vacation and be able to keep the kids on track to success, than have to struggle through the end of June trying to find reasons to convince the students that what we're doing still matters.
Ok, enough about that.  Since there's absolutely no where to walk outside, that means no running either.  :( Suddenly the treadmill is my best friend.  Yesterday I got in 5 miles, yes 5, with speed included.  Today I did 3.1 with hills and speed.  I still haven't decided about the Hyannis marathon either.  I know I should probably do it, but I don't want to sign up.
Since I've been bored out of my mind after being home for the past few days, I decided to make another pair of shoes.  I mostly liked the way the first pair came out, and I wanted to try a new design.  So I went out and got another pair of cheap white canvas sneakers to design.  This pair came from H&M, so I'm not really sure how comfortable they'll be, but I really think they came out cute.  Without further ado....

Oh yea, and I finally achieved my goal of drawing a Disney Princess in way that actually looks like a Disney Princess!

Oh, and just in case you didn't believe me about the snow levels. Ignore my face, I can't smile in the cold after I wash my face apparently....


Yup. This is my backyard. That's a fence over in the far left.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Snow day 2015

Today there was a blizzard.  It would have been a more beautiful blizzard if we had a snow blower.  But since we just have shovels, it was just a disgusting, horrendous, snowy mess.  Even the dogs were not impressed.  About an hour ago I was pretty sure it stopped snowing and I was happy that we at least got our driveway plowed out and moved the cars around a little bit. However, I've just looked outside and there seems to be more snow falling. UGH.  Since everything in life was shut down today, there was really nothing to do but sit inside and craft.  I mean, I shoveled a bit, helped walk the dogs, and made chili, but aside from that, there was nothing to do but craft.  So a few weeks ago I bought a pair of plain white shoes to paint, just to try something new.  It took me forever to decide what to put on them, but I finally did it today.  I'm not really sure how I feel about the final product.  Personally, I think it looks too amateur.  Ok, I know I'm not a professional designer/artist, but I just don't love the way they look.  I don't hate it, I just don't love it.  I feel like maybe sharpie would have been a better choice than paint.  Anyways, I guess I'll let you be the judge on this one.  And on an unrelated note, I'm fairly certain running outside is out for the next few weeks.  There's no getting over this snow.  Looks like I better learn to love the treadmill, and fast!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Louisiana Marathon 2015

First of all, let me just say, this was the best marathon I've ever run. Plus, Ryan ran this as his very first half and did awesome.  He finished in 2:35!
 Everything about this marathon was awesome.  Flat, nice scenery, and no super long stretches where you could see the faster runners coming back!  There were a few points where you could see the people ahead of you, and the first and second place female finishers passed me in the opposite direction on one longer road, but that was it.  Unlike MCM and Philly where you saw a lot of the faster runners coming down the other side of the road and realizing you still had 5 miles to go before you could even turn around again.  Now, unfortunately, I did not beat the 4 hour mark.  By the official time, I came in at 4:07.  By my watch time, it was 4:02.  The reason for the 5 minute difference is because I stopped my watch at the two bathroom breaks I took, and obviously the clock doesn't account for that.  But still, 4:07 is a half hour PR from my last marathon, so that's pretty good.  I do realize that if I hadn't started quite as fast or if I hadn't decided to walk through the remaining water stops after mile 18, I definitely would have broken the 4 hour mark.  However, it was a little hotter than I expected and my knee started really hurting around mile 17, so I decided then that it didn't matter so much about the time, as long as I made it to the finish eventually.  Really, I did better than I thought considering the amount of walking I did for the last stretch.  The whole marathon was really fun though.  I would definitely do that one again!
Now I'm just going to overload you with pictures from the weekend.  I took a selfie at every mile just to pass the time a little bit and I have to say that it really worked.  This marathon definitely went by the fastest of pretty much any run I've ever done.  Well, except for little 5ks and stuff!  
Here's my Garmin map and a ton of pictures. Enjoy!


Ryan and G. at packet pickup

Woo! Got my number and I'm ready to run

Everything is ready for the morning.

Morning selfies before we start

Porta-potty line seflie

Actually waiting for the start now

Mile 1









10: This is where I started to get hot


12: This is when I realized I needed a bathroom break


13.5 and a bathroom break

Back at it at 14


16 was sunny


18...walking break!


20: only 6.2 left



23: only a 5K left!

24: so almost done

25. Sunny and a "hill" but I loved it. Also, the hill was nothing compared to what I've run here. More like a little slope

Coming into the finish

YAAAAAASSSS. FINISH LINE! Best photo of the whole thing, I think


Awesome medal

Half marathon finisher and our little cheerleader. 

Woooooo! Marathon #3, first solo marathon.