Friday, August 16, 2013

Summer colds

The temperature has been fluctuating a bit this past week and I think it's messing with my immune system.  I either have a head cold or a massive explosion of new allergies.  Whatever it is, it definitely doesn't feel good and really makes it hard to run or workout at all.  This week was a pretty bad week for running in general.  I went 6 miles on Monday since we skipped the long run.  Then Tuesday I went to boxing.  That was actually fairly easy.  I must have been having a great day, or at least, I drank a lot of water.  Really, I was breezing through class on Tuesday afternoon.  Then Wednesday hit and we had a goodbye party for the girls we've been tutoring all summer.  During that party, I may or may not, but definitely did, eat two donuts.  Not two in a row, I spread them out over two hours.  That counts for something right?  Needless to say, Wednesday night I was NOT feeling the run in the woods.  Miraculously, the run ended up only being 4.3 instead of the 5 I thought it was going to be.  Really, the .7 didn't make a huge difference, but I'll take what I can get when I don't feel like running.  The trail was kind of a pain, lots of rocks, trees, and single file paths.  This was an off-the-trail run, which is always harder than the main hiking trails.  I think I finished at about 48 minutes.   So not impressive.  Of course we had our after run margs and one of the girls brought a 3 lb bag of gummi bears.  Now is a good time to tell you, if I haven't already, that Haribo gummi bears are my weakness. I would probably have eaten the entire 3 lb bag if I was alone.  Seriously, they're so much better than any other type of gummi bear.  So I suppose I can consider it a win that I went home with the whole bag.  And a lose, because I will probably proceed to eat the whole bag.  I intend to use them mostly for energy bursts during our 18 miler on Sunday, but I'm pretty sure they'll be snacked on frequently as well.
So, now that tutoring is over there's two more weeks of vacation left.  Most people would probably celebrate this.  I am not, because next week I have professional development all week, from 8 - 2.  Seriously, this has been the busiest vacation I've ever had.  At least I'll have the week before school starts to get in all my vacationing.  And all my boxing.  I have been having a great time boxing, I really enjoy the classes.  I did kickboxing the other day, and I think I like the regular boxing, at least for now.  I'm worried about hurting my legs before the marathon. Anyways, I hpoe this cold goes away before Sunday.  Otherwise, those 18 miles might be the worst I've ever run.

This is from last week, not the one I just wrote about above.  Clearly I had more energy at the end of that race.  

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