Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Feelin hot, hot hot

It was secretly hot today, which never works out for running.  At first, when I went outside, I thought, hmm, this isn't too bad, doesn't seem too humid.  Turns out I was SUPER wrong.  I don't know why I always end up running during prime heat times, but I do.  Yea, I've read all the tips that say you should run either early morning or after the sun goes down, but me, I like to run at, say, 11:00 a.m.  Which is super fun.  I think my favorite part is when you can feel the heat reflecting off the pavement and back onto you.  Oh, and if you forget the sunscreen...well, there's nothing better, let me tell you.  Sure, it cuts my  pace down to a 9/9:30 minute mile, but you know, it's all worth it right?  I say all of this, and yet I still won't change it, so I have no one to blame but myself in the end.  I just find it easier to run in the middle of the day, even if it is 1000 degrees with 2000% humidity.  Pretty sure those are accurate temperatures too.
Anyways, I got 7 done today, which is all that matters in the end, even if it did take me 1:03 to do the whole thing.  My first two or three miles were in the 8s, but it was seriously too hot to handle out there, so I guess I'm happy with my overall time and the fact that I ran the entire 7.  I do think that my tan lines are, at this point, irreversible, which is really unrelated, but something that I felt I had to point out.  At this point, the only way to even out would be to cover up everything that's normally uncovered during a run, and sit in the sun with only my back and stomach exposed.  Which is not happening, so instead I'm going to live the rest of my summer life with a racer-back/shorts permanent tan. Don't worry, I usually do use sunscreen too, it just so happens that today I forgot to put it on.
Tomorrow night, being Wednesday and all, is another Lynn Woods run.  Last week was the easy 4 miler for the long run, so this week it will probably be the dam run, which is 6 miles of misery.  But, I like the hill training, so hopefully I can make it there.  And hey, at least those runs start at 6:30, which is sort of close to the time when the sun might be starting to go down a little bit. Although I also saw that it's supposed to rain tomorrow, so that might actually help. Nothing like a good rainstorm to cool down during a run.  Certainly could have used one today anyways.
Well, this has been fun, and now, some pictures.

Here's Nala not being scared of fireworks.....(yea, right)

Sox on the 4th, where they actually won, shocking.

And the groundhog that lives under our shed.  I've since mowed the lawn to deter him from eating the clover.  If it's not there, you can't eat it, right?

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