Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Ahh vacation week.  Nothing like it when you've already had 7 days worth of snow days in the past two weeks.  All I've really accomplished so far is, baking brownies, making a lasagne, watching some old Disney animated classics, and eating a bunch of junk food.  Right now I'm catching up on Gotham and assuming that Jerome is going to be the future Joker. Because look at those lips. Chap city. 
But anyways, basically all the road races for the next month have been cancelled.  Hyannis is flat out done, not even a reschedule.  The Frozen Shamrock, which was supposed to be on February 22, is rescheduled for April 12.  Hopefully we'll be able to see the ground by then. I've been really great at NOT running, but I should probably get back on that treadmill.  I tried to add my 100 punches to last week and I've managed to achieve that.  What I've learned is that there are two ways to count punches. The REAL way, which follows the instructors combos and makes you work hard, and the fake way.  The fake way is when you stand in real close to the bag and just fire off punches without fully extending your arms and pulling them back.  Imagine a T-rex with boxing gloves on. That's the fake way.  Not that I didn't try both, but I didn't really find a huge difference in either way.  Other than that, it's been more and more snow.  FUN!

These are the punches from Monday, regular full punches following the combos and taking some breaks. 1378 and 1223 for a total of 2601

These are punches from Tuesday, using T-rex arms and no breaks from punching.  I'm also fairly certain that the left didn't record all punches, they should be much more even.   1612 and 1915 for a total of 3527. So almost 1000 more.  Fine, maybe there is a bit of a difference.

It's snowy and it's cold.  Welcome to Alaskachusetts.  -25 yesterday. :(

This is what my street looks like now. 

Disney Movie Day

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