Sunday, May 12, 2013


I guess it's been a few days since I updated.  Clearly my blog skills are not on par with what they should be.  Here's the thing.  I've been busy.  SUPER busy.  Not too busy to run, just to busy to write apparently.  So, let's just recap, shall we?
Last weekend I went for a nice 10 mile run in Manchester by the Sea with Cynthia, Murdock, and Jenna.  Overall I think the run was pretty nice.  The views were nice anyways.  I also spent some time ripping up the wild bamboo growing in the backyard.  Monday I went for a 5 mile run with Katie, up and down the beach.  That was also...nice. It was crazy foggy out, but worse than that, it smelled like Lynn beach. There's nothing to explain the smell of Lynn beach to you.  Just know that low tide smells like a combination of sulpher, rotten eggs, and porta-potties.  Yes.  Lovely, isn't it?  So, that part of it was, not so nice, but the run part wasn't too bad.
Some of Ryan's family came to visit during the week, so I didn't run on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday.  Shameful, I know.  Friday I got in a nice little 3 miler in the morning, but the humidity was at 90%, so it was awfully sweaty.  I guess it's time to accept that the humidity factor is now something to take into account when running.  That means it's time to start trying for early morning runs, because the humidity is not going to be much help to timing.
Today I managed to get in 6 miles around the Wakefield lake.  Unfortunately, it started to rain on me about a third of the way into the run.  It wasn't a huge rain storm, and luckily it was warm enough that it didn't bother me too much, but I still did not enjoy the wet sneaker sensation.  My time was fairly good though, 6 miles in 54 minutes.  I am pretty confident that I can keep that 9 minute mile pace, which would put me under 2 hours for a half marathon.  Seeing that I only have about two weeks to ensure this pace, I aim to get in another 10 mile run at that pace.
Earlier I also mentioned the virtual 10K by Charity Miles.  I can say with full confidence that I have  definitely surpassed the 6 mile requirement and I am expecting my t-shirt to be shipped any day now.  That's a bonus for me and for all the charities I've been selecting. Once again, if you don't have this app yet, you really need to get it.
I think that's it for running news.  I'm signed up to stuff packets next week for the Run to Remember.  That should be fun.  Since Ryan's family was visiting, we did a lot of touristy things this weekend, so I shall share some photos of that with you, as well as a map my run photo of my 10 mile run.  I'm sure you're pumped.  Enjoy them!

6 miles in the half rain.

Old Ironsides

Ryan and I on the deck of Old Ironsides herself.

Ryan and Britney down below.

Got my ring back, FINALLY!

Emerson's grave

Bridesmaid dresses FOUND!

Fenway <3 nbsp="" p="">

Nothing says Summer like Fenway and the Sox

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