I was able to finish my mission and pick up some more supplies. As I was only 1.5 through my run when the mission finished, I just kept going. Now, I thought maybe the app would just bump down to the next mission, but I really can't tell if it did or not. If it didn't, I now have two missions open. If it is cycling through, I now have two missions in progress. Either way, I'm really whizzing through it. On top of all this, I had my fastest 5K today as well, thanks to the radio operator on the app. At one point, they noticed a group of zombies and yelled at me to put on a burst of speed so I could to make it to the gate. Sadly, they never really tell you when you make it to the gate, so you could be running faster for quite some time. Thanks to that burst of speed, along with a slightly sped up run, I managed 3.1 in 29 minutes. Wooooooooooooooo!
Here's some new information I learned about the app today.
1. Everyone is called Runner 5
2. You collect the most random supplies; trousers, underwear, a sports bra????
3. If you register online, you can share your runs and stats with other runner 5s.
4. The screen with the buildings on it is actually able to be upgraded. You use your supplies to upgrade your buildings. This is more intense than I thought it was!
5. Zombies, Run 2 is in production right now. Wish I hadn't known that, otherwise I might not have bought this one. The new one, apparently, has more features, and I'm sure it will have to be bought separately.
Here's a link to the app website. Get yourself registered and join the fight for survival. If you want to find me, I'm under awwie15. Enjoy!
Check it out
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