Saturday, February 2, 2013


Tomorrow is the big day.  It's the true test of whether or not I actually should have signed up for this run.  I'm not sure how I feel about this actually.  Part of me is excited for it, but most of me is nervous and anxious.  Suddenly a 15K seems absurd.  That is, more absurd than it did last week anyways.  Let's be real, running to get back to where you started from is fine and all, but really, doesn't that kind of just make us all like rats in a maze?  I'm not actually running FOR anything, after anything, or from anything.  What's the point really?  Aren't there better ways to stay in shape?  Of course there are, but I suppose I'm just to lazy to change my routine now.  I would never go to the gym and at least with running, I don't need anything except my own two feet.  And now we've come full circle and I've talked myself back into thinking that running is actually the easiest form of exercise for me.  To be honest, I'm not really paying much attention to what I am writing now.  Tangled is on and I've decided to focus most of my attention on that instead.  I have to say, Rapunzel must have had a heck of a time drying and brushing all that hair.  I think it's hard to dry my hair and it's no where near as long as her's.  Plus, she must have fantastic shampoo if her hair is strong enough to lift a full grown man.  Seriously, where did the Grimm's Brothers and Hans Christian Anderson ever come up with ideas for these types of stories.  I know things were different in those times, but it's just so strange.  But, I guess in 300 years when people read the Hunger Games or Harry Potter, and wonder what we were thinking.  Alright, so, wrap-up.  Tomorrow, 15K. Today, nervous.  That's all.

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