Sunday, February 24, 2013


As I've mentioned quite often, I have been slacking in the running department.  At first, I was all, oh well, I ran 9 miles on Sunday, so it's okay if I skip a day or two.  Then I was all, oh well, 2 miles is close enough to 3 for today.  Eventually I was all, oh, it's snowing out, can't run outside today.... In the end, all that really happened was me skipping way more days of running than I was supposed too.  This week I remembered that the Wild Rover 5K was today, so I decided to make sure I got in a run or two.  As I said, I went with Morty one day and apparently thought that was enough, especially after the race was postponed.
I knew I needed to get back into my running routine so I decided to have at it this weekend.  I went for a 2.5 run yesterday, down by the beach, and let me tell you, it was terrible.  The weather itself wasn't too bad, a little bit windy, but nothing extreme.  My problem was the actual running.  I felt as if I was dying by the end, and then I found out it was only 2.5.  I know, I brought this upon myself, but it was still a bummer to see that on the Charity Miles.  The good part is that it only took me 26 minutes, so my time hasn't really changed all that much.  The moral of this story is to NEVER, NEVER skip more than a few days of running or else you will regret it when you try to get back into it.
In order to make sure I can run the 4 miler next weekend, I know I have to run at least 3 times this week, at least 3 miles each time.  Today I went for a run around the neighborhood, which ended up also being 2.5. This time I hit the hills too though, because apparently there's a large hill in the race next weekend.  So, my plan is to go to run the beach or the lake at least 3 times, if not more.
By the way, it really is a good thing the city postponed the race due to snow. Or, it would be, if it had actually snowed....  It is unfortunate, because a lot of events were cancelled on the Northshore and as it turns out, they needn't have been.  However, it IS snowing now, and it looks like the storm is actually growing larger as the night goes on, so it could actually be a problem tomorrow.  I'm not meteorologist, so I have no idea really.  Then again, neither do they.

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