Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sunday Funday

I've decided to make Saturday a rest day from now on, but I sort of already don't like it.  Today I ran 4 miles before boxing and it just didn't feel right.  It might have been the breakfast I ate, I'm willing to admit it wasn't a good choice. Whatever it was, the run this morning was just kind of a struggle.  The weather was fine, and I just did a straight out and back, which felt like it was shorter than it was.  However, while I was running, my legs just felt off.  They didn't seem to want to move like they usually do.  Not that I was going much slower, but it sure felt like it.  I went from an 8:03 down to an 8:53 by the last mile.  Which is still pretty impressive, if you really think about it.  Because last year for MCM my fast pace was around the 8:45 - 9:00 minute range.  Now I can say with fairly good certainty that my fast pace is around 7:55 - 8:10. I know that should be enough for me and I know every run can't be that great, but I get bummed out when my runs seem to go poorly.  I've also started to notice that it always seems like I'm going slower than I actually am.  Take this morning for example.  I was sure I wasn't moving very fast, I really thought I was down in the 9s.  By the time I got to the .9 mile mark, I looked at my watch, only to see that I was at 7:11 or something in that area. It really surprised me because it felt so much slower than that.  I don't know if that's a good thing or not though.  After my run I did the ever so much fun Sunday 12 rounds boxing class.  Mostly I like it because it's fairly empty and I hate it when the club is crowded. Usually I can get my favorite bag and not have people on all sides of me, which is something that kind of drives me crazy.  I always feel like I'm going to hit someone else when there are people surrounding me. I made it through those 12 rounds okay too, but I'm telling you, something was off.  I just wish I knew what it was!

Ok I've got nothing else, so here are two Halloween themed pictures I drew.

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