Friday, May 3, 2013

Just one of them days.

Someone in the land of the internet will be able to make sense of my title and understand that I'm not a total whack out when it comes to grammar. The rest of you, well, you'll have to take my word for it.  Even though it's Friday, it was a LONG day.  We had lots of teachers out today and only two subs, which meant a lot of room covering and running around.  In the midst of covering a 1st grade room, right as I was about to give the math test, I had a puker.  You can imagine how the rest of the class reacted, as this poor child was spewing liquid all over her desk and the surroundings.  Needless to say, it took a few minutes, a bucket of sawdust, and some open windows before we could actually get on with the test.
As you might imagine, it was a good day to run.  Sometimes work causes problems, and running them out is helpful.  But, I wasn't exactly in the mood to run.  In fact, I would have preferred to sit around at home with the dogs and watch tv/nap.  Instead, I begged my facebook friends for motivation, which I got.  After a few encouraging words, I headed to the beach for a 3 miler.  The run itself was ok.  My mile splits were all in 8s, and that includes an elevation gain of 95 feet.  When I got to 3 miles my time was 25:57 and I threw in the towel right there, even though I had another mile before I was back to my car.
The odd thing about running is, no matter how often you do it, some days you feel awesome, like you could run for miles.  Other days, two seconds in you're out of breath, your legs hurts, your lungs hurt, and all you want to do is lay down where you are and beg someone to carry you back to the car.  Today it was the latter.  It truly felt as if this 3 mile run was taking hours.   My shins were burning, my knees were killing me, and I had major cramping.  I think it was the sausage and pasta I had for lunch.  But I made it through the 3 miles and really, that's all that matters.
I've actually done a lot of miles this week, 20 total.  Wednesday we did a nice long 6.5 and this coming Sunday I'm attempting a 10 or 11.  Only 3 weeks until Boston's Run to Remember and I'd like to get up to 13 at least once before that.  I'm excited for the run, I think the crowd energy will be awesome and hopefully it's a nice day out.
In other news, I think the WDW marathon may be out of the question now.  It's expensive to get down there and I need to save my money for a wedding.  Maybe I can find a marathon closer to home. Or maybe I don't want to do a marathon at all.  We'll see how the half goes first.  Since we're going to be running long distances anyways, I decided to join Charity Miles Boston Strong 10K.  It's a virtual 10K, but all the proceeds go to the One Fund. If you register here you get an awesome t-shirt after running. You can also win some great prizes, according to the site, but it doesn't say what the prizes are.  It's $25, which includes the t-shirt.  You also have download the app, which is free, and you should be using anyways, if you're a runner!  I'll probably put my Sunday run miles towards it and be done, but you have the option of extending, doing some shorter runs that equal a 10K, as long as you're done before May 13.
Well that seems to be everything of importance this week.  Here are two more routes for you, and a picture of the t-shirt I got from the b positive project, which is a local company that you should check out.  Enjoy!

yes, I took a selfie in my bedroom, after a run. Judgement free zone people!

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