Alright, so I haven't been the best blogger this month. It's been a pretty busy month with the tutoring after school, checking out venues, and preparing for my first half. But, now that everything is winding down, I'm free to update again! Rejoice, rejoice.
Today was the Boston Run to Remember. There were 10,000 runners, which was crazy. Some people were only doing the 5 miler, but that's still a ton of people. Last weekend I went for a 13 mile run alone, just to make sure I could do it this weekend. A week ago, my time was 2:05. The goal of today was really to break 2:00. This is how close I came to that goal: 3136 707/1603 F1929 2:01:03 9:14 2:02:18 Allison Runyan 28 F 6528 Lynn MA. The official time was 2:02:18, my time, as you can see bolded and underlined, was 2:01:03. I missed making the 2 hour mark by seconds. Seriously. I'm a little bummed about that, even though I know I shouldn't be. 2:01 for my first half is a fantastic time. But, when I want to reach a goal, it's always slightly sad when I don't.
The weather for the run was actually pretty bad. I originally signed up for this race because it was at the end of May so I figured the weather might be hot, but not overbearing. Turns out, it was the exact opposite. Start time was 7:00 a.m. and the weather at that time was 41 degrees with a wind chill that made it feel like 33. (I got that direct from the weather channel, I didn't make it up!) Seriously, at the end of May. Plus, it was rainy off and on. Weather aside, the run was actually pretty good. I felt great basically the entire time. I went through a lot of sport beans, especially in the last four miles, but it was worth it. My legs are a little sore, but nothing too crazy. Overall, a wonderful experience for my first half. Plus, Ryan came out to watch, so double bonus.
Earlier in the week, I volunteered to stuff packets for the race, which turned out to be more fun than I expected, even though I didn't win any prizes from the raffles. What I did get was free pizza, and really, that's the best prize there is. Yesterday I went to the race expo to pick up my number and get some free swag, of which I got none, but whatever. Then I went over to Boyleston with Cynthia, Murdock, and some of her family. We stopped by the marathon memorial and had lunch at the Pru, in the middle of an anime convention. I told you I've been busy!
Other than that, not much happening. Ryan's mom and sister came to visit, I checked out a couple of venues, and Ryan's dad is coming in two weeks. Next weekend I also have the last race in the Will Run for Beer series. I'll finally get my jacket and be done with that, which is really a long time, considering it started back in January. Cynthia is trying to get me a bib for the Marine Corps Marathon in D.C. this October as well. I'm not really sure how I feel about that. In the meantime, I think I have to find another half to run, just to get that time down. With the end of the school year SLOWLY creeping up, I might be able to get more time in for everything, running included. We'll see.
2.01 is awesome Allie! Great job! Missed you Sunday, but congrats on your first half!!