Last Sunday the Pats played the Texans and, of course, won. Was there ever any doubt really? So this weekend, in fact, today, we are playing the Ravens. I expect to win again, but you never know. A small part of me hopes that we don't because the growing trend with the Patriots seems to be, win all the games up to the Superbowl, and then lose the big one. Twice in recent years they went to the Superbowl and lost to the Giants, so if they end up there again, they really need to break that streak. Seriously, who else goes 18-0 and THEN loses? But, it's more than I could ever do, so I suppose I can't be to hard in my criticisms. The Bruins also had their home opener last night, so it's been a nice sports weekend all around.
This morning, as it is Sunday, I went for my regular 8:30 a.m. group run in Wakefield. We have been slowly increasing the mileage each week, so today we did 5 miles. The time wasn't too bad either, just under 60 minutes. I always feel like I'm running wicked slow, but then I check the time at the end, and it's pretty much on point with every other time I've run. I don't know what it is about the lake that makes it feel so slow. There is also a lot of wind today, which doesn't help. The weather itself if fairly nice, mid-40s and sunny, but the wind is so fierce that it makes it much colder than it really is. I do enjoy the lack of snow, but I also hate that it seems like it's not January. When there's snow on the ground and it's 20 degrees, you know that it's the middle of winter and that Spring is coming. When the weather pretends it's already Spring, it throws everything off. I want to see baseball games and go out in short-sleeves, but then I remember that it's only January and there's still two months until baseball even starts again!
But anyways, back to the running. A few posts ago I mentioned the Great Stew Chase, the 15K in Lynn. Some of us had discussed signing up and when we were going to do it. We had settled on waiting until the day off and seeing what the weather was before committing to anything, because really, who wants to run in the snow? However, it seems that one person forgot about this and ended up registering the other day. Then I felt bad so I registered for it too. I didn't want to leave one person alone to run the whole race. Even though she's much faster than I am and will probably end up far ahead of me anyways. So, that's it. I am officially registered for a 15K. That's 4 miles more than I've run so far. And probably at least 3 more than I'll be able to get in before the race. Because the race is in 2 weeks. Actually, it's on Superbowl Sunday. Which brings us back to the beginning of the post, which is, the Patriots better make it to the Superbowl. If they can make it that far in their season, I can make it through a 15K. Plus, after 6 miles, what's an extra 3 really? I'm sure it will all be fine. I'll let you know if it actually is though.
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