When I clicked that little pencil icon I had a lot to say, but it seems to have all left my mind at the moment. First off, I got over my worst day ever, luckily. I even found a dollar on the ground today when I was walking Stella. SCORE! So last night for dinner, since I was having the worst day ever, I decided to go whole hog and just eat at Five Guys. I regret nothing! It was all delicious and worth every ounce of fat.
Today at work we began our ELL testing. I won't bore you with the immense amount of detail that this test contains (Also, I'm sworn to secrecy by the DESE and LPS.) In a nutshell, it was a long day, but luckily, the Kindergarten-ers I tested felt like they were playing a game. Like I said, I can't tell you much about it, but there is a story and some cards involved, so I suppose it can be fun for a 5 year old. By the 4th time around, I was awfully sick of the story though. And tomorrow, I get to do it all over again. WOO!
After work I hit up the grocery store and got more kiwi. I love kiwi. They were supposed to be 2/$1.00 but they actually rang up at 4/$1.00! I was pumped. I should've bought more, but I guess six is enough for the week. Going for a run today was not something I was interested in. Testing takes a lot out of you (seriously) and I was awfully tired. Plus, my big toe hurts. I know that's weird but I don't know why it hurts. It started last night and this morning it was throbbing. I keep telling Ryan I have turf toe and he keeps telling me I'm being ridiculous, so there you are. Since I had to walk the dogs anyways though, I took Nala first and we went for a short 1.6 mile run. Then I came home and traded, and Stella and I walked the same route, another 1.6 miles. I am pretty irritated at my Charity Miles app because it's not recording the mileage, just the time. The first time I thought it was a fluke, but it seems to be an actual problem now. Even though I didn't do a lot of running today, at least I did some. Later, I went to see the new baby in the family. She's about 2 weeks old and definitely the cutest newborn I've seen.

On a totally unrelated topic, but sort of in line with the kiwi, let's discuss lunch for a moment. Generally I try to bring my lunch to work instead of ordering out because I just don't like to spend money. Lunch has usually been sandwiches, left-overs, or frozen meals. It was rare that I brought any side snacks, like yogurt or fruit. Last year I did if we went to BJs and bought the prepacked fruit cups, but if not, I didn't bother. Over winter break though, when I was shopping for a new running shirt at Marshalls, I found a lunchbox that I just loved. I had a Built NY lunchbox but it was dirty and fairly small. Marshalls actually had a whole display from
Fit and Fresh. They are all really cute bags, but I chose the one from the link, because it was the biggest. There are a ton of different styles and prints though, so you can definitely find something for you. A bonus? My bag came with a plastic container set that fits together and holds an ice pack. Here's a picture of what I'm talking about. This container set totally made the whole bag awesome. Ever since I got this, I've been taking fruit with me, as well as my meal for lunch. My favorite part is not that it all fits together in the large container, but that it has measurements on the side. Now I know how much I'm eating. Not that I care that much, but it's a nice feature. I highly recommend this lunch bag, and if you can get it from Marshalls, it's only $16.99. That's a good deal, considering I've seen the bags other places, without the containers, and the bag is 11 or 12 dollars. If you're in the market get this lunch box. While you're at it, I also recommend the organizing utility tote from Thirty-One, if you're looking for a new bag. But that's a different story for a different time. It's late. I'm going to bed.
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