And I promise that's the last Eminem lyric I'll use as a post title for a least a month. At least I'll try to make it the last. Sometimes I hear these things while I'm running and they just stick. And speaking of running, I managed to turn today into 10 mile Wednesday. With a the temperature up in the 70s, I really had too. There's not much of a choice when it comes to running in nice weather. Turns out it was a bit harder to go back to warm weather running than I thought though! I kind of got used to having a breeze to cool off the sweat, so it was a tough reminder when I started sweating in mile 1 that there wasn't going to be a big relief from that. Still, I made the run at an 8:51 pace, so I'm ok with how it went. I have the Black Cat 20 miler on Saturday, but I feel more prepared for it now that I've run some this week. I may be stuck in the bad habit of doing long runs and then not managing to fit runs in during the week with all of my actual work after-school programs going on, and I really need to break that. Hopefully with daylight savings time coming in, it will be a bit easier.
Aside from that, my fundraising is now at 81% and I still have the box-a-thon on Sunday. So if you're in the area, stop by Title Boxing Danvers at 11:00 a.m. for a great time. If you're not in the area, you can donate at this link -
For those people who did donate and requested a Disney drawing, they're finished and going out soon. I took some photos for you to see how amazing they are, and that led me to my next point. Every time I take a picture on my phone, holding the camera horizontal and parallel to the subject, the photo automatically flips upside down and I have to go in and rotate it. Anyone else having this weird problem with their Nexus 5x? I don't know if it's a phone glitch or if I hit a setting somewhere and I'm just not bright enough to flip it back. So if you also have this problem, let me know. In the meantime, enjoy some right side up photos of the new pictures going out. And the old box-a-thon poster too.
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