Bam! Surprise pictures right at the start. Sometimes I just like to switch it up. Plus, that opening line wouldn't have made sense without the picture evidence to back it up, so there you have it. But, yup, that's my fundraising poster. As you can see (or maybe not?), I made it extra easy for people to donate by adding a QR code, so that I wasn't relying on my cash jar at the front. Of course, it hasn't made a difference at all yet, but, hey, you never know. At least the poster ties me to the club and the marathon team, whereas before it was a picture of me, Ryan, and Morty, on wedding day. That seemed to confuse people, so I made it real clear and simple.
Aside from my poster, I've contacted a paint bar and a cinema bar about fundraising nights. We'll see how that plays out, but hopefully it will attract a crowd. Really I'm not that far away, so if I did the cinema comedy night, I get $10 for each person, 100 people show up, that's $1000 right there. Do I know 100 people? Maybe. Do I think that many would show up? Probably not, but I like to dream big.
While we're on the topic, I actually got some running done this week too, which is impressive, I know. I ran 6 on Tuesday and then 6 more last night. Tuesday was a nice 50 degrees, so I had to get outside, even though I spent most of it dodging puddles and trying to ignore my soaking wet feet. It's hard to dodge puddles when they take up the entire sidewalk. Last night I joined Cynthia and Murdock for a lap around Wakefield and then did a second lap with them and the Mystic Running Club. It was a bit colder than I expected it to be, but overall a good night for running. Today I'm taking an off day and then tomorrow I might see if I can make it up into the double digits. For a hot second I thought about driving down to Hyannis this weekend and hoping into the half, but that doesn't really seem like a good plan after all.
Alright, now that we've covered everything running related, we can move onto school vacation. Sure it's almost over, and sure I'm extra bored today, but overall it is so nice to be able to have this week off. I organized a closet, changed the shower curtain, cleaned the bathrooms and the kitchen properly, dusted the blinds, and finished my book. Of course I also wrote lesson plans and got stuff together for next week, but that part isn't nearly as exciting. I might even make it to L.L. Bean today and exchange my worn out boots for a pair that isn't all cracked and leaking. While I'm on the topic of vacation, I guess I should start thinking about what to do this summer. I'm not sure not working/not getting paid all summer again is a viable option. I'd love it if I could just do the Title chalkboard once a month and get paid for that, but even if that was an option, it wouldn't be enough to live off of. I wish there was a museum around here that I could work in. Not that there aren't museums around here, I just don't think I'd get a job at any of them. Most places like that want a full time staffer, not a teacher who works part time for the summer. Maybe I'll open my own museum. I've read enough history books, I'm sure I could whip something up. Ok, ok, that's obviously a joke, but seriously, let's start brainstorming here, what do I want to do this summer?
While you try to figure out my life for me, I'll make it a bit easier by adding the rest of the pictures to the end of this post, where they belong.
Bought this book to read on the flight to/from Louisiana last month. Didn't actually read it until now, but it was worth it. A lot of old music suddenly has a new meaning that you may not have connected with before.
Post run dinner. Don't mind the dog, this is how every meal in the house goes. If you're wondering what that is, it's turkey rolled up with a bit of mayo on the inside (we were out of bread) and homemade mac and cheese. Usually I use milk, butter, and deli cheese singles, ripped up and melted together after the pasta is boiled. For this, I replaced the milk with Greek salad dressing to give it a bit of flavor and it was delicious. If you make mac and cheese like this, you'll never go back to the boxed stuff, I promise.
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