Marathon Monday may not be a holiday in any other part of the U.S, but here in Boston, it is historic. Not only do thousands of people come out to run the marathon, but thousands come to spectate as well. The Sox play a day game at 11:00 and Lexington/Concord does a reenactment of the first shots of the American Revolution. So the last thing you EVER expect to hear about is a bombing at the finish line of the marathon.
There are no words to describe the energy and excitement of the Boston Marathon. To watch is to be inspired and I can't even imagine what it must feel like to run. People line the ENTIRE route, not just the finish line, to cheer on the runners. Sure, many college students use it as a party day, but even that energy is amazing. It really is a day unto itself, that one cannot understand if s/he has never experienced Boston. So it is absolutely horrifying to watch the news, see the buildings blow out, hear about the gruesome injuries, and find that at least 2 are actually dead. I can't imagine, doing something so amazing in your life, and possibly losing it all, feet before the finish line.
Some of my friends were spectating at the finish line, but ran when they heard the explosions. Personally, I opted out of that this year. I almost went to Heartbreak hill and then head in to Boston, but my visit to my cousin ran over, so I decided not to go in after all. There is NOTHING I am more grateful for right now than that decision. If I had decided to meet my friends in Boston, who knows where I might be right now.
I have no other words for the horror in Boston right now. I pray that everyone who is injured comes back strong in the next few years and does not let something as disgusting as this ruin their life. To those who are still out running, who have been diverted down a different street, I hope you stay strong and run it through as proof that Boston does not falter, and never bows down to terror. Stay strong Boston.
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