Now, having a newborn makes it hard to get to the gym, as you might imagine. Sometimes we go for neighborhood walks, but this week especially has been extra hot. 90s - 100s the past few days, so I haven't been able to take X out. Luckily, Ryan takes him at night so I get about an hour of baby free gym time. Sometimes the family comes to visit and they will watch him in place too, but really, I've only gone to the gym maybe 3 - 4x. I know, I know, it's only been 3.5 weeks since X was born, why do I even need to go to the gym that much, right? Mostly because I do have a half-marathon to run/walk in October. I certainly don't mind not running the whole thing, but I would like to be able to at least walk the parts I can't run. And since I haven't really walked multiple miles since, maybe March, I need to at least get back some of that endurance. So I go to the gym and walk 3 miles on the treadmill or elliptical. On the treadmill I generally don't make the 3 miles in under half an hour because I'm not sure how fast I'm really supposed to be going before I get to my 6 week pp Dr. appointment. On the elliptical, I go faster because it's easier, so I can at least make the 3 miles in just over 30 minutes. So hey, 3 miles, only 10 more to go! Kidding. I see no scenario where I would go 13 miles on either machine. I didn't do that when I was full on marathon training to cut down my time, no way am I doing it now. The plus side to all this is that when X gets full head control, we can take the BOB out for longer runs, assuming everything isn't covered in snow and ice by that point. Clearly that all depends on X, but at the very least, we'll be out running by next Spring, I hope! Poor X doesn't know what he's in for.
I have given up on the step count for now, which might sound crazy to some people. Here's the thing with that though. There are a lot of activities I do that don't get recorded on my watch. Cardio, weights, and pushing the stroller. So even though I may have gotten my 30 - 45 minutes of activity in, my watch has only recorded 2,000 steps. Now, I know that I've worked out and I know that I got my cardio in, so what's the point of checking the watch to have it tell me that I haven't? Until they can make a good watch that records this activity without having to press a bunch of buttons, I'm passing o the step count. Mostly I'm just trying to be aware of my activities and how many donuts I eat in a day. Anyways, X man is awake again, so it's time to go for now. Enjoy these pictures of a cute baby and a doofy dog. (Not the shoe-eater)
Bath time is the best time
I didn't think I needed a wrap, but then I bought one and found out how wrong I was.
X's first Target trip. He was not sure what to think about it
And a doofy dog