Monday, June 29, 2015

Summer time

School is out and it's officially summer vacation.  It's been a day and I've already caught up on every show I missed in the past few months.  So, you know, definitely not going to be a long two months or anything.  I'm sure I can find other stuff to do.  Paint the house, learn a new language, literally anything that gets me moving before I die of boredom.  We'll see what happens I guess.
The end of the school year was quick and a little depressing actually.  This was the longest year ever, but I really didn't want the 5th grade class to graduate.  It was such a great group of kids and I really don't anticipate any other class living up to that for a while.  Now, of course, as a teacher, you're not supposed to have favorites, but of course, we all do.  This group just happen to have pretty much all of my favorites in it.  And yes, my overall favorite in the whole school was in this class too, so that's probably a part of it.  Sure, Ryan thinks I'm way crazy for having a favorite and missing him that much, but it's just something you can't understand if you're not a teacher I guess.   Particularly this student.  He came to us at the beginning of last year with a report so bad you would have thought that he was swinging from the lights and dancing on the desks at his old school.  Hey, maybe he was, I don't know, I wasn't there.  So, from the beginning I was asked to keep an eye on him, you know, make sure he wasn't going to run away or cause problems in the classroom.  He's had a real tough life for a kid, and I wasn't really sure what to expect out of him.  Two years later and I can proudly say that he was nothing like the report we got.  He is a kind-hearted, funny, (sometimes fidgety), friendly young man. I like to think I had a part in that, but who really knows.  I do know that after all he's gone through, to have those qualities makes him very special and I truly hope he doesn't change when he gets to middle school.
Anyways, you spend a lot of one on one time with certain people and they tend to grow on you.  Throughout the school year you connect with the students, learn about their lives, interests, likes and dislikes, and eventually grow to love them each as your own.  Some more than others, sure, but it's hard to let them go when you know you're not going to see them anymore.  After all, they're going to middle school now.  It's a whole new world over there, and a lot of growing up takes place, so really, this is the last time you really see them as children and not young adults.  It's kind of sad.  Once again, this is really something that you can't explain to non-teachers, you just have to experience it to know what I'm trying to explain.
Well, that's basically it.  Nothing new happening in running, so that's the end of that.  Here's a bunch of pictures from the end of the year, so enjoy those.

This is a homework assignment from my little buddy.  I particularly liked his 3rd sentence, as I have the same condition. The 4th sentence made me sad because, spoiler, his mom didn't come to graduation.  Like I said, he's had a rough life.

We made this on the side of the school to cover up some inappropriate graffiti before we held our flag day celebration.

First in Math trophy.  The school was in 1st place for almost the entire year.

Months worth of awards for being in 1st

A reading bulletin board. We had a contest to see who made the best one.  Can you believe I didn't win!?

Running selfies, I ran Horn Pond Mountain to check out the view.

I know the view doesn't look that good in the picture, but it was much prettier in person.

Beefsteak festival.  It was awesome.

Table long flip cup contest

Bread stacking contest, we won.

Beefsteak Betty!

Got my sweatshirt for coaching this year.  It's pretty awesome.

This is the card my buddy gave me.  I know it's only one sentence, but it means the world to me.  That picture is supposed to be me, from the back, as a superhero. Seriously. How could I not love this child?