I've been little busy, so I let this fall to the wayside. Nothing too much more exciting has happened since we bought the house anyways. Track is over, which really helps with the whole being busy aspect. It was fun, but I'm glad to have some time to do other stuff. Running has been going well, I signed up for the Chicago marathon, so I'll be working on that now. I'm going to try and get my time down to BQ standards, but we'll see how that actually ends up going. Right now it seems like a long and crazy road. However, I did do the Run to Remember half marathon on Sunday and finished in 1:49. That's a new PR and it gives me a little bit of hope that I can actually make it to the BQ time eventually. Even if I did almost puke at the end of the race. What counts is that I didn't though, so boom. School is still going strong too, just under a month left until summer vacation. But, I don't have a summer job, or any form of income for the next two months, so I'm not overly pumped about that. Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of vacation, but I hate not getting paid. So that's it in a neat little package. Now, enjoy these billion pictures from the past month.

The Blue Angels were doing some sort of photo shoot over Boston Harbor today, and we happened to be at the Children's Museum on a field trip as it happened.
Cod-zilla boat ride
Run to Remember post race photo with some police.
BOOM. Suns out, guns out.
1:49. Two thumbs up.
New shoes for a new race
That's me
Our back walkway
Photo wall
10 Mile Tuesday
Wild Rover Series 2015 medals